Multi Ch. Primo del colle Dell'Infinito

Deze pagina toch even in Engels voor onze internationale kerel. Een hond met een hart van goud.. Primo was 3 maanden in ons huis.

This amazing boy was in our home for 3 months

Dreams do come true !! Thank you Alessandro Tanoni (R.I.P) for this

Amazing change for having this great male in our home !

Ch. Primo dell Colle dell'Infinito

 Born: 08.01.2008

Hart/Heart: Free


Spondylose 0 (-0,14)


Budapest (H) - 02.05.2009 - Jahresjugendsieger Unganr 2009

San Marino (RSM) - 24.05.2009 - Champion of San Marino

Zagabria (Croazia - HR) - 30.05.2009 - Jahresjugendsieger Croatia 2009 (+Klubsieger)

Slovacchia (SK) - 29.08.2009 - Jahressieger Slovakia 2009

Zagabria (Croazia - HR) 05.06.2010 - Jahressieger Croatia 2010

International Champion

 France 01.07.2012 - Jahressieger France 2012

+ CACS + CACC (Best male) and Reserve BIS

Luxembourg 2012 - 02.09.2012 - Champion of Luxembourg 2012